Friday 3 May 2024

5 Ways Reusable Bags Can Help in Marketing


Bags are an integral part of several business models. Brands give the bought items to the customers in bags. Sometimes, companies have to provide bags to their workers to store supplies. Plastic bags have been commonly used for this purpose over the past few years. It was recently highlighted how plastic bags used by companies could damage the environment. Prospects with a conscience for a sustainable environment prefer businesses that are using eco-friendly options.

A change in perspectives has compelled companies to look for alternatives. Switching to reusable, custom bags appears to be a good idea. Besides influencing the environment, they are also a good resource to get your word out there. According to the 2020 ASI Impression Study, 73% of consumers own promotional bags and prefer keeping them for prolonged periods. This figure proves that custom bags can be an effective marketing tool.

If you are still unclear why you should be investing in reusable bags, keep reading. Below, we have discussed 5 ways that reusable bags can aid in marketing.

1.     Brand Visibility

The deep sea of brands out there makes it quite challenging to grab prospects’ attention. If you are a business struggling to get noticed, reusable bags are your chance to steal the gazes. All you need is to invest some time into detailed designing of the bags and ensuring that it is distinguished when anyone carries it in their hands.

When customers use these bags in public, they become walking billboards for the brand. When you customize a reusable bag with your corporate logo, colors, and taglines, you are silently working to make an impression on people. Customers will instantly think of your brand when they need a product in your niche, as they will be using the bags repeatedly.

The act of carrying and using a customized, branded bag works as an endorsement. When friends, family, and coworkers look at your bag being used, they will also start having positive associations with your brand.

2.     Environmental Message

As per the stats by Online Dasher, one reusable bag can replace 500 single-use plastic bags in a year. Isn’t this number so promising? Furthermore, 67% of shoppers reuse grocery store bags, pointing to their popularity among the masses.

When companies use reusable bags, they are demonstrating their commitment towards the environment. This sits well with environmentally conscious consumers. Sustainable materials like jute, cotton, and bamboo are plant-based textiles. Using these to produce bags could be economical and sustainable at the same time. They create no ill impact on the environment, which impresses the prospects as people are now willing to minimize their carbon footprint.

After your customers have used reusable bags, they can recycle them or even put them in compost. Recycling stuff like this is good for making new things out of old stuff, like turning old plastic bottles into new products. This helps reduce waste in landfills and stops litter from building up. All these practices, when initiated by you, make you a hero in the corporate world.

3.     Utility and Practicality

The practical aspect of reusable bags makes them an instant favorite in many households. The bags can be used repeatedly, and the customers don’t have to stack bags in their homes. They could be used for groceries, for keeping books, for clothes, or all the random stuff when going out.

The bags are often large and have the consistency of a plastic bag. The material used to make these bags is also quite sturdy, which means customers can carry multiple items at once. These could be folded and kept neatly in the drawers when not in use. Brands offering these bags always get a few points from the consumers for investing in them.

Businesses have multiple options when considering reusable bags. They can opt for insulated bags, hemp bags, or non-woven reusable bags. The material for bags could be chosen after studying the anticipated use of these bags and market preferences.

4.     Word-of-Mouth Marketing

A well-designed reusable bag leaves a positive impression on customers. When they use the bag and have a good experience, they will talk about it with their friends and fellows. This positive word of mouth can greatly help in marketing a brand. A high-quality reusable bag is flexible and allows the prospects to use the bag for different reasons. They can be repeatedly used over an extended period. This works as an ongoing exposure for the brand.

Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the best ways a company can gain more prospects. People prefer brands and businesses when they hear about the real-time experiences of others.

Imagine yourself in their shoes: won’t you go for a clothing brand (or any other business) when your friend leaves a good word about it?

5.     Promotional Events and Giveaways

Promotional events and giveaways are the opportunities for the businesses to leave a lasting impression on their customers. When they use reusable bags in these events, they let customers take a piece of an advert at home. A bag taken at home can be used for different purposes.

At events like trade shows, people often come just to get their hands on a reusable bag. You want to give your customized stuff to your customers so they remember your company and feel appreciated for their support. Even if someone isn't a customer yet, giving them your branded bag can still be helpful because they might become one later.

Concluding Remarks

Making green choices isn’t always easy. By creating an eco-friendly bag, customers know that a company is serious about making an environmental impact. Another aspect of reusable bags is their versatility. The multi-purpose bags are an all-time favorite in busy households.

If you are an entrepreneur who is still using conventional plastic bags, know that you may be missing out on a huge marketing opportunity. You can hire a team of graphic experts and printers to craft customized bags for your business that work as walking billboards for your brand.

The question is, are you ready to tweak your promotional campaign? We hope you are!



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