Thursday, 9 November 2023

Are you ready to join a cult? A Clean Cult!

Joining a cult never sounds like an exciting opportunity, what with people usually being brainwashed into doing something stupid. But imagine if there was a cult that made your life better, your home smell great, and was good for the environment! 

Here comes Clean Cult

Clean Cult cleaning products and hand soaps are absolutely the bees knees! They smell so amazing I could actually bath in them! Dipping your body in chemicals is frowned upon usually so let’s just enjoy the scent as we clean our homes! The lemon scented products actually smell edible! The lavender I was really worried about because I have smelled some gross ones before and this scent blew me away! It smells sweet but not overly sweet, and fresh like the outside world! Love it! 

The hand soap leaves my hands fresh and clean and soft feeling and I wash my hands a million times a day! I run a daycare in my home so I am always covered in some kind of nasty fluids or sticky substances. The hand soap is perfect for big hands and little hands. Let’s not forget every bottle they have is made from aluminum and is refillable! Talk about eco friendly! The large Clean Cult refills can even be purchased from Amazon in other scents!

The all purpose cleaner is perfect for every surface of my home. I use it to clean my stainless steel fridge, countertops, Beans litter box, tables, chairs, and floors. It smells so good I could probably clean over and over again just to enjoy the scent. I like changing it up between lemon and lavender for each different room to give the whole house a unique combination of scents! 

The dish soap cuts through grease and grime just as good as the brand name dish soaps I have been using for years. The fact that you can buy large refills in recyclable cardboard cartons is simply awesome! There is no plastic, no waste, and no problems convincing people to join this cult of class! They also have Clean Cult laundry detergent!

Take a look at the cute Instagram reel I made about them and try them for yourself! They are so amazing and packaged with so much care I was shocked to see a company be so careful and quick to deliver the goods! 

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