This week we celebrated Valentine’s Day at our daycare and we always try to have a small party to celebrate each holiday! Incorporating all types of activities for each age is always a fun task, we like to do a craft, some sensory explorations, and enjoy giving and sharing treats with our friends!
Sensory Activity
This year we did an edible whipped cream sensory activity. I made homemade whipped cream using whipping cream liquid, sugar, vanilla, and dyed it pink using red food colouring. The kids each got a plate full and they used heart and teddy bear cookie cutters to make shapes and squish it!
We also made heart sun catchers with each child’s photo in the centre using our Instax Polaroid style camera. All you need is coffee filters, washable markers and water. Get each child to colour their filter then add drops of water after and hang to dry. The colours create a tie dye design that looks stunning in the window!
I also used some brown packing paper to make each kid their own bag to hold their goodies. This was totally free from packages I received and I saved it for repurposing. The kids got to do another craft and have a place to put their stuff and it cost me nothing, that is always a good thing!
Games and Decor
Balloons are a must for each holiday. Pink ones with red ribbon hanging from them make very cute and frugal decorations. The kids will stay busy for hours if you give them each a few large ones to play pass with and toss around the house.
Treats are always a simple task on Valentine’s Day. Everyone brought valentines treat bags to exchange as well as heart shaped jello, chocolate dipped strawberries, and cupcakes.
Pretty safe to say each kid was tired and full of happy memories at the end of this Valentine’s Day party. Keep it simple and plan it out and you can make any daycare party a great success.
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