The maze is cut into animal shapes and each clue has a hole punch with a picture for you to discover a weapon, location and animal criminal that hasn’t committed this crime. Just like a big game of clue where you get lost for hours at a time searching through the corn.
Located right behind Orchard park mall on Cooper rd this convenient location and amazing adventure is perfect for the whole family. Fall family activities in Kelowna aren’t always easy to find so take advantage of this one meant for the whole family. It is very reasonably priced for the hours of fun that are contained in the corn maze, and if you like there is a tennis ball cannon for added fun. You shoot the balls at special targets and can win a pumpkin if you knock the pumpkin down at the end of the target area.
Prices are as follows:
0 - 5 Free
6 - 12 $5.25
13 - 17 $8.40
18 - 64 $12.60
Seniors (65+) $10.50
Family Rate (4) $26.25 (2 adults + 2 children)
Additional Kids add $5.25 each
Group Rate (8+) $6.30 each
*All prices include GST
Corn Maze Hours
Ticket Sales
Sunday-Thurday 10:00am - 4:00pm
Friday and Saturday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Halloween will be the last day for all attractions!
We accept walk-ins every day during ticket sales hours.
2190 Cooper Rd.
Kelowna, B.C. V1X 3X6
Don’t forget to grab some fresh fruit and vegetables while your there unless it’s Sunday then you can simply buy a pumpkin because the fruit stand is closed. Add a corn maze to your fall bucket list this year and have some fun getting lost in the corn!
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