Friday, 14 October 2022

Save Hundreds When You Use These Laundry Hacks

Laundry is such an annoying task, it would be so nice to just have your clothes stay forever clean and never have to do another load of laundry again. Between the money you have to spend on soap, fabric softeners, washer cleaners, and electricity to run it all you are out hundreds just to have clean clothes. There are a few simple tricks you can use to save yourself a small fortune depending on how frugal and DIY savvy you are willing to get. 

Maintain your washer and dryer constantly to keep them in perfect running order. Always empty the lint trap and clean out any bits of garbage and fluff that tend to caught in the washer. Don’t forget to inspect and fix your dryer vent before winter you should ensure all the hot air is getting out properly by taking a look at the hose and vent. Vacuum the hose out and reconnect it to the vent system. Maintenance alone can save you more than you think. 

Make your own laundry detergent and reusable fabric softener sheets. Some people get very extreme with this and only use natural washing products but you can start slow and small by simply mixing borax with soap flakes and washing soda. For reusable dryer sheets you can still buy your favourite scents and brands like snuggle and downy but instead of just dumping the softener into the washing machine try pour some into an airtight container with some rags, toss one rag into your dryer when you toss the wet clothes in and it will be used over and over again by putting it back into your air tight container again.

I can’t live without my dryer I love how it makes my clothes feel after they are tossed around in the hot air. But if you think you can live without your dryer, invest in a clothesline for your yard and skip the dryer completely. This has been tried and true for centuries and that still remains that way for many people and they are saving a lot on their electric bills because of this. 

Try a few of these and see how frugal you can get with your laundry habits. 

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